
Showing posts from March, 2018

CSS and CARP Design

So the overview of this project is we started out with a poem that didn't have any CARP in it, then we followed steps to change it into A poem with really good CARP. The only difference between the start and the finish is we used CARP to make it look better. All the content stayed the same. The C in CARP stands for contrast. we used Contrast by spacing them out well, using bold and Italics in the first paragraph and author name, and made the heading and sub heading bigger. These all helped the reader understand what needs to go with each other. The A in CARP is alignment. We made all the poem left align except for the subheading which was center align. So that makes the whole website fit and easy to read. The R in CARP is repetition. We used repetition mostly in the colors because all of the colors on this page matches the color of the dog. We did that on purpose and we did that by using the eyedrops tool,  hovering over the dog, and clicking what col...

My Personality

ESTP When I took the quiz, I got ESTP, and when reading about it, that does kind of sound like me. But some of the famous people that had the same characteristics as me, didn't sound like me. For example, Donald Trump and Andrew Jackson had the same personality traits as me, and I feel our personalities are completely different. But I feel the test is pretty accurate and here are a few reasons why. This personality does fit me. For example, it says flexible and tolerant. I am always down for any change or any idea different. I don't like to follow a plan that you have to be right on track. You should be flexible and change the plan on the way. The way this helps me understand who I am is by every group project, I need to listen to others ideas and down for any change to our project. Unless if I have a really good idea, I shouldn't be leading the team and taking charge. I don't want to say I'm the log of the group, but I'm not the leader. I...

My Own Logo

Starting Up The whole sketch thing before making the logo was the hardest thing in my opinion. It was difficult coming up with a logo that was simple and looked clean. I got to two final ideas, and remodeled one to look better and chose that one. Then when I got on the computer I didn't really know how I would make my design look good on the computer. When I first just used a normal C and a normal B, I didn't like the way the B looked in my logo. I wanted to make the back part of my B more straight so it looked more like a B. Next, I tried Distorting it, and it captured the idea I wanted, but it just didn't look good. A lot of those attempts mad the C not good and the B line still wasn't fully straight. But I knew I was getting somewhere. Then I made a white square with rounded edges, and that looked, perfect. I shaped the square to make it look better and that was the base of my logo. Choosing Color/Mock Ups After I made the ba...