Video Final Blogger
Video Final Blogger
Short Film
For this project, we had to come up with a original script idea, and make that come to life. The project probably took us about 1 month to make, so it was a long process. The main challenge we faced was just coming up with an idea to do, because we had to come up with an idea after we got our group. We ended up using Drews idea, but changing the script a lot to fit a comedy. What we learned along the way is how to come up with an original idea, put it in a story that makes since, and execute it with editing. Some feedback we were given was there was some continuity errors, as my headphones disappeared and we didn't see Jeremiah go upstairs. At first, we were going to make the main character have a best friend, but we felt like that would be unimportant and a simple story would be better. Our video was solid, and for a comedy, it made people laugh. I liked how it turned out.
Movie Trailer
For this project, we had to recreate a movie trailer of our choice. For our idea, We chose to recreate the movie "Napoleon Dynamite". This project took us a little less than a month to complete. The main challenge I faced was how to recreate the feel that the actor gave in Napoleon Dynamite. What I learned along the way is how to set the camera up and act the same way each scene did in Napoleon Dynamite. What we changed was our whole project, because we were going to do "Ferris Bueller's Day Off". Overall, I am glad we chose Napoleon Dynamite over Ferris Bueller. Overall, I liked what we did with this project swell. This was a huge improvement from my group in recreating a music video. So I was proud of it.
How I Used My Time in Class
I used my class time wisely when I had things to do. When something was due, I would use time to get it done. What I needed to work on is working on things when I didn't have things done. Thats when I could of researched on things to get used to Adobe more. I could of watch tutorials on how to make my other videos just a little better. What I did outside of class was my dad has a company with all of the Adobe programs. When it was a friends birthday, I made a video compilation of me asking funny questions and them answering. The video was around 10 minutes, so it took me a long time to make. I was proud after making two of those videos and I feel it made my editing skills much better.
My Strengths
My strengths in video class in my opinion is acting for a comedy. I got asked to act for comedy pieces. I enjoyed acting for comedy pieces, but any other piece I didn't enjoy acting. I just wasn't as good as I was at comedy. Another strength I feel like I have is editing, which is bad because this semester I rarely edited, but that is fine
My Weaknesses
My weaknesses in video is probably working with the camera. I can't find the right shots that work well. I also can't work with the tripod without someones help. I need help with focusing and brightness. What I need to do is just watch videos on how to work the cameras we use for e-comm. I could also ask other people in e-comm how to work the camera. There are multiple things I can do to get my camera experience higher.
My Experiences in Short Film
Like I said earlier, I was the actor for our comedy piece. Our group had to make a script pretty quickly, because we made a comedy and none of ours was actually comedy. We ended up revising Drews script. For writing our own script, I never really got the experience of making my own story, so that was fun to do. I didn’t know how to write a script, and I didn’t know what a logline or treatment was. I am not very creative, so my story wasn't very creative either, but I was still happy with it. My skills evoked by me just getting more creative. The production schedule we did this project was nice, because I knew exactly which days I had to be free on to film. And we ended up getting done, so that was nice.
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